Research Process
The Helios investment process can be summarised as follows
1. Idea Generation
This entails ongoing coverage of our universe of companies comprising companies with sufficient liquidity and supportive growth and sector dynamics, including companies in new growth areas. New ideas can come from analysis of quantitative screens, company meetings, broker conferences, broker research, peer activity, supply chain analysis and conversations with industry experts. New ideas are discussed within the research team as well as in the Daily Investment Meetings that include the full senior investment team.
2. Initial Fundamental Research
Ongoing research activity is maintained on companies under coverage and research is conducted on new ideas through a process of industry analysis, company meetings, channel checks, and conversations with industry experts. Analysts rate all companies under coverage on each of the eight Elimination Factors and rank each company under their coverage on a rating scale of 1 (highest), 2 or 3 (lowest). Research reports and models are prepared as appropriate. The broader investment team ranks the various sectors on a rating scale of 1 (highest), 2 or 3 (lowest).
3. Elimination Investing (EITM) Based Screening
Based on the ratings on the eight Elimination Factors, the investment universe is reduced to a shorter list of companies on the Initial Buy List (using the first six elimination factors) and then further reduced to a short list of companies in the Core Buy List (using the last two elimination factors). The ratings are implemented by the analysts in conjunction with the Head of Research, although the collective experience and knowledge of the entire senior investment team is brought to bear into the process, as appropriate. The Helios senior investment team each brings into the investment process over 25 plus years of experience and accumulated knowledge of companies and markets.
4. Deep Dive Research
The companies on the Core Buy List (as well as many of the companies on the Initial Buy List but not on the Core Buy List) are subject of deep fundamental research that entails preparation of financial models and research notes, as well as ESG analysis and price targets. The Head of Research is the first level of challenge for the analysts. The research team actively exchanges information with and feedback from the various senior investment team members to whom the research is made available in our Daily Investment Meetings, which provides a second level of challenge in the research process.