About The Name “Helios”
Helios – the God of Sun
The God of Sun goes by various names – Sūrya in India, Tai Yang Gong in China, Kane in Hawaii, and Lugh in Ireland.
In India, The oldest surviving Vedic hymns, such as those of the Rigveda, mention Sūrya with particular reverence for the “rising sun” and its symbolism as dispeller of darkness, one who empowers knowledge, the good, and all life.
In ancient Greek mythology, Helios is the God of Sun – the brightest star in the sky, universally worshipped as the natural source of light, energy, warmth and nutrition on Earth, since the start of time. In mythology, Helios rode his chariot across the sky from east to west, every day, and each night he rode back to the east, to diligently start again next morning. Due to his position, he was also believed to be an all-seeing witness, and thus was looked to as a guardian of oaths, and also the god of sight.

We aspire to live the same work ethic. We aim to conduct ourselves with the same overpowering sense of purpose. We endeavour to be at that all seeing vantage point for the benefit for our investors. And we believe that we must at all times hold ourselves accountable to the promises that we have made and the ambitions we have set for ourselves.